How about a system that pushes for individual responsibility, doesn't subsidize mediocrity nor create an ineffective and bloated bureaucracy, and actually solves problems? I've yet to see that one on the table.
The "Uh, lets create some offices, raise some taxes, and work in some rewards for our buddies" answer is what got the US where it's at now, in deep ****.
Current plan:
- Everyone must BUY a policy.
- If you make under X, we will give you free cash to do so.
- If you make more than Y, or have a health plan that really works, you will pay extra to cover the poor people.
- If you do not buy a plan or otherwise prove you have a plan, you will pay a fine and face jail time.
- We get lots of free money tacked on in exchange for our votes.
That's the current plan in a nut shell.
Here's a real plan
- If you make less than X, you get free care
- From X to Y you get graduated care
- Over Y you're on your own.
- 1-2% tax increase on everyone making more than X to cover costs.
- drugs and tests and hospital bills carefully controled.
- doctors allowed to opt out of program.
There's a plan. Not as sexy, wouldn't take 6,000 pages, and not much room for self rewarding pork.
But, it would actually provide care, and not a feel good. That's the problem, we stopped living in the United States, and all somehow moved to the United Strokes. I for one am tired of being stroked off by the government.
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