How to exercise your constitutional rights during encounters with police.
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A Natural Right is a liberty that is granted to us by our creator (God). It is inalienable part of our being (it cannot be taken or given away). Our” rights” are evidenced by the actions we take in exercising these liberties. To be considered a “right,” an action must be something we can do entirely by ourselves. If we need the help of others in any way, either actively or passively, that action cannot be considered a right. An action cannot be considered a “right” if it harms another innocent person, damages their property or prohibits another person from freely exercising their liberties. An inherent part of Natural Rights is the duty to respect the rights of others and not to infringe on the free exercise of those rights by other free people. We can all use logic and reason to determine what these rights are, and to figure out how far our liberties extend. |
Blacks Law Dictionary. Words are defined quite differently sometimes in the legal sense. Take the word "person" for instance...the legal definition of "person" is: person: In general usage, a human being (ie natural person), though by statue (the) term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers (see 29 USC 152) (The) scope and delineation of (the) term is necessary for determining those to whom (the) Fourteenth Amendment of (the) Constitution affords protection since this Amendment expressly applies to "person". A corporation is a "person" within (the) meaning of (the) Fourteenth Amendment equal protection and due process provisions of the United States Constitution. (Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Ward, Ala, 470 US 869 We can also look at corporation: Corporation: An artificial PERSON or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of PERSON created by statute as a legal entity. Now. Keep this definition in mind as you read the 14th Amendment: 14th Amendment, Section I: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. (CONGRESS redefined us as CITIZENS rather than WE THE PEOPLE..congress CREATED US CITIZENS) Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence : Unalienable. Many believe it is inalienable..but it is unalienable. The Founding Fathers were all about property rights and contracts. The entire Constitution is concerned with property rights, to include your body, your person, which is your private property. So we conclude, that this amendment refers to all "persons" , which "may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations"- and "corporations". These persons are "citizens of the United States and (citizens) of the State wherein they reside." This clause establishes dual citizenship, with "citizens of the United States" apparently taking precedence. Remember that the CREATOR is always held to be more powerful than the created. Becuse Congress has CREATED juristic citizens, they are "subject to the jurisdiction" of Congress. |
WE THE PEOPLE created Congress. CONGRESS created US Citizens. WE THE PEOPLE have a right to keep and bear arms. US CITIZENS must obtain a concealed carry permit. WE THE PEOPLE have a right to travel. US CITIZENS must obtain a drivers license. WE THE PEOPLE have a right to live with whomever we wish. US CITIZENS are expected to get a marriage license. WE THE PEOPLE have RIGHTS. US CITIZENS are granted PRIVILEGES. In other words. US CITIZENS have no rights. |
ARTICLE 1. BILL OF RIGHTS Sec. 1. FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States.
This would seem to indicate that Texas consideres itself a partner with the United States, not a subservient section of it.