

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So you say there's going to be a revolution?

If I can fit it in between the commercial break and my bathroom run, I'll join the revolution. Otherwise, let me know how that goes. The American People don't want the America that Jefferson oversaw. They've become too conditioned to letting the "smart men" in Washington think for them, and such.

People are marching around, demanding jobs. Sorry, no one owes you a job. Rather than walk around and demand something you don't deserve, go grow a pair and start a business and make your own job. That's what a Real American would do.

This country was built on something we no longer have, a fierce independent nature, a desire to march to your own drum, the need to explore, to expand, to grow beyond. Now, we grow fat and our kids fatter, watching tv and playing Sega, while waiting to hear the next order of our masters. We awake to an electric rooster, eat lunch when told we're hungry, and squander our minds on drugs and booze and partying. Working a full day to us is 8 hrs. Rome built a bridge over the Rhine in a week, by working round the clock. Today, it's a 2 year project mired in meetings and planning and waste.

We created the mess, we expect government to coddle us, to provide for us, to think for us. We deserve it, because we no longer deserve what our fore fathers fought and died to give us. We forgot the lessons they left us. Only when we relearn them, and pay the price they did, will "We The People" again mean something.

Oops, commercial breaks up. Lemme know how that revolution goes guys.

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