

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kentucky Officials "Changed Votes At Voting Machines"

Kentucky Officials "Changed Votes At Voting Machines" on Friday March 20, @09:29AM

Posted by kdawson on Friday March 20, @09:29AM
from the smoking-gun dept.

The indispensible jamie found a report out of Kentucky of exactly the kind of shenanigans that voting-transparency advocates have been warning about: a circuit court judge, a county clerk, and election officials are among eight people indicted for gaming elections in 2002, 2004, and 2006. As described in the indictment (PDF), the election officials divvied up money intended to buy votes and then changed votes on the county's (popular, unverifiable) ES&S touch-screen voting systems, affecting the outcome of elections at the local, state, and federal levels.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama and the Constitution?

Obama issued a statement supporting the tax on the AIG bonuses, saying it would send "a strong signal to the executives who run these firms that such compensation will not be tolerated."
If enacted, the tax could easily come under legal challenge.
"This violates some fairly old-fashioned provisions of the Constitution called bills of attainder and ex post facto laws and things like that," said Terry Connelly, business school dean at Golden Gate University.
Gee, there's that pesky Constitution again. Hey, isn't Obama supposed to be an expert on that document? Shouldn't he know this too? Why's he keep trying to get things done that require we ignore it, hmmm?

Dear Mrs. Pelosi - You may wish to refresh yourself on the limits of the law....

Dear Mrs. Pelosi - You may wish to refresh yourself on the limits of the law....

Calling for justice, a livid House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed a bill through the House today to tax at 90 percent most of the bonuses paid to executives of companies receiving taxpayer money.

But legal experts say the bill might be of dubious constitutionality, and it could complicate the administration's plans to fix banking problems at the heart of the nation's economic contraction.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama mulls making vets foot bill for service injuries

Obama mulls making vets foot bill for service injuries

Updated: 03/17/09 09:13 AM
Obama mulls making vets foot bill for service injuries

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration is considering making veterans use private insurance to pay for treatment of combat and service-related injuries. The plan would be an about-face on what veterans believe is a long-standing pledge to pay for health care costs that result from their military service.
But in a White House meeting Monday, veterans groups apparently failed to persuade President Obama to take the plan off the table.

They served. They paid. Now the government should take care of them.
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