Wow, he really said it - redistribution of wealth, punish the rich.
The "top 1%" isn't just going to pay for these policies. Many of them would assent to that. The rancorous language used to describe these taxpayers makes it clear that as a matter of public policy they will be made to "pay for" the fact of their wealth -- no matter how many of them worked honestly and honorably to produce it. No Democratic president in 60 years has been this explicit. |
The primary goal is a massive re-flowing of "wealth" from the top toward the bottom, to stop the moral failure they see in the budget's "Top One Percent of Earners" chart. The White House says its goal is simple "fairness." That may be, as they understand fairness. But Figure 9 makes it clear that for the top earners, there will be blood. This presidency is going to be an act of retribution. In the words of the third book from Mr. Obama, "it is our duty to change it." |
“There’s nothing wrong with making money, but there is something wrong when we allow the playing field to be tilted so far in the favor of so few. . . . It’s a legacy of irresponsibility, and it is our duty to change it.” |
Surprise, surprise, Obama really did mean what he said when he told Joe the Plumber he wanted to spread the wealth around. Obama’s tax and spending bills are not intended to raise revenue or stimulate the economy, but to redistribute wealth and he’s inserting his ideology for everyone to see right there in the most blaring of terms in the driest of documents, the federal budget. This should be a true wake-up call to those who think Obama is a benign pragmatist. A guy who feels it necessary to proselytize this explicitly in the budget ain’t no pragmatist; he’s a propagandist and he wants to convert you (BTW this reminds me of those in the last century who were stunned that another demagogue actually meant what he said; those who weren’t surprised had read Mein Kampf and took the writer at his word). |
(From MartialTalk)
I remember the lie I was told when I was growing up. You know, the one that said if you work hard, and are of good character you could grow up to be rich and live well.
They skipped that part that said "and a third of what you earn will be legally stolen from you, and given to those who don't work hard and who didn't succeed like you did."
Show me an honest, hard working person in Congress. He's probably the guy pushing the broom.
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