

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Have you called your Congressional Rep? I Did.

A lot of people are howling and screaming about Congress these days. I know, I'm one of them. But most of those folks screaming haven't taken the time to actually try to communicate with their reps.

I spent a pleasant 22 minutes on the phone this afternoon with a person at Rep. Brian Higgin's Washington office discussing the health bill.  Now, I identified myself up front as someone who disagreed with Mr. Higgin's vote, but I said rather than be a jerk, I'd like to give them a chance to clear up my possible issues. We had a very informative discussion, and he was very polite about it. While I'm still opposed to the bill, I do feel I have a better understanding of how it will be effecting me, and I seriously suggest anyone else with questions, make a call. Be polite, be specific, and don't be a jerk. 

For phone numbers, visit or

My questions involved the Medicare Advantage changes (short answer, don't panic) and how the subsidy will be paid (short answer, tax credit at income tax time similar to the EIC pay outs.) We also discussed how these changed will effect small businesses such as my own, and a bit on the credit crunch.

While I'm still opposed to the mandate, I do feel more comfortable about how things are intended to go. I've done my duty in registering my concerns and feel quite comfortable in calling back again later.

Participating in the process.  Try it. It works better than pissing and moaning over an overpriced coffee in a coffee shop.

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