

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mr. Reagan, White Courtesy Phone.

Mr. Reagan, White Courtesy Phone.

Some quotes from ol' Jelly Bean himself.

"Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." Ronald Reagan

"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15." Ronald Reagan

"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other." Ronald Reagan

"Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement." Ronald Reagan

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States." Ronald Reagan

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.
Ronald Reagan

Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.
Ronald Reagan

Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.' And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.
Ronald Reagan

The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Ronald Reagan

The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.
Ronald Reagan

Man is not free unless government is limited.
Ronald Reagan

Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Ronald Reagan

My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes.
Ronald Reagan

My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out.
Ronald Reagan

No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!
Ronald Reagan

No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting.
Ronald Reagan

Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Ronald Reagan

Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.
Ronald Reagan

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
Ronald Reagan

But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.
Ronald Reagan

Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.
Ronald Reagan

Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.
Ronald Reagan

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.
Ronald Reagan

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan

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