I like the government intervention in health care. I love how they are now pointing the threat of imprisonment should I fail to pay a fine for being unable to buy their unconstitutionally mandated health plans.
I love that starting in 2014 I must start paying monthly premiums that I can't afford to a company I can't stand, so that I can wait 13-14 months for a "credit" towards it. That is real "change" alright.
Yes, this plan works this way. You buy the plan. You pay for the plan. You pay those monthly premiums of 200, 500, 1500, or whatever they are, then, when you file your taxes you tell the nice honest folks at the IRS how much you paid, and you'll get your 'credits' back, then wait the extra 4-8 weeks for your "refund". What ever that premium is, you pay up front, and wait up to 14 months to see again.
Obviously the simple reason I don't have insurance, ie: I can't afford the bloated monthly premiums now, was a simple fact that escaped the "learned individuals in their mad dash to pass a bloated pork sandwich, rather than something that actually helps the American People.
Now if you don't have that money? Well then you have "chosen" to not have insurance and can then pay the "penalty". Don't have that money? Well, then, you just "chose" to go to jail. It's all about giving the American People Real Choice.
Mines simple. Vote the traitors out in November. That's "Change" I can "Hope" for.
Anything the Federal Government touches, they screw up.
I love the fact that by law, a union member can physically assault a shop owner, beat the owner half to death, and yet not be fired for those actions.
I love the idea that there is "nothing the government can't do" despite the Constitution being rather strict in limiting it.
I love the idea that various Reps and Senators can't answer simple questions on bills legality, saying instead we need to pass them first to see if they are legal, or claiming to not know, or even insisting we need to violate our core principles to help some imaginary child.
The simple fact is, the party founded by Jefferson, one of the architects of our Constitution, is so far removed from those beginnings, and holds that sacred document at best in contempt, and at worst as a hindrance towards their illegal, immoral, unethical and dare I say, improper behavior.
We went from George "Its just a god damned piece of paper" Bush's fascist administration to Obama's "can't stop me now, I dare you to try" socialistic one.
Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison, Mr. Adams....we need you more than ever now.
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